Jumping The Gun

Jumping The Gun

Photo by Josh Meister Photo. I figured there’d be an opportunity (or several!) for me to write about sickness and travel over the next year, but we haven’t even left yet, and I’m already sick. I have a chronic intestinal disease that’s usually...
Stupid Mistakes

Stupid Mistakes

Photo by Josh Meister Photo. This trip has been loosely rolling around in our heads for years, but the actual, real, down-to-brass-tacks planning probably started between a year and a half to two years out. Plenty of time to figure out and take care of everything we...
Making A Plan

Making A Plan

Photo by Josh Meister Photo. I get it, a year traveling the world sounds like a dream. Lord knows, we’ve been dreaming about it for a really long time. But the actual logistics of planning it – not so dreamy. The first, eh, 12 minutes of planning went...